Corroded Lintel Replacements
Replacing corroded window and structural lintels
East Bunbury
Window lintels are an often overlooked part of home maintenance, they usually go unnoticed until they start to corrode.
And while what looks like minor corrosion (possibly even surface level) to the underside of lintel and nothing to be concerned about, usually it can be taken as a sign that the other side of the lintel imbedded into the brickwork might already be in a less than desirable condition.
Left untouched, the lintel may expand and cause cracking issues in the surrounding brickwork (and render where applied) which can eventually not only cause structural concerns, but also create openings for water to seep in and cause other problems on it's own.
We recently helped a new home owner in East Bunbury who had lintel concerns due to corrosion, with some lifting the surrounding brickwork by a considerable amount.
To rectify this, our Team carefully removed the corroded lintels, cleaned the bricks, installed new galvanized lintels and re-instated the brickwork so that the all the mortar joints were as even as possible.
Once the lintels were removed, it was evident that although a majority of them only appeared to have surface rust on the underside, the had in fact doubled in size thanks to corrosion which could've caused problems in the future if not remediated.
Corroded Lintels
Close ups of what the lintels looked like upon removal, although they didn’t appear to be in terrible condition from underneath, it was clear once they were taken out that they had in fact, corroded quite heavily.
Before & After
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