Frequently asked questions

Q. are / were we associated with brick & Mortar restoration perth (Fernihough Pty ltd)?

A. No, we have not been associated with them since 2019 and have always been a seperate company.

Q. Where are we based?

A. Brick & Mortar Restoration South West are based in Busselton, but travel all over the South West region of Western Australia.


Q. Where do our trades come from?

A. Our Trades are South West locals, mostly located in Bunbury.


Q. Do WE charge for quotes?

A. Our quotes are obligation free at no cost and valid for 30 days.

Quotes outside of the South West region however may attract a travel fee, which will be discussed prior to our attendance and charged at our discretion depending on the circumstance.


Q. Are we limited to brickwork?

A. Our portfolio of Trades includes Carpenters, Painters and Plasterers who have a wealth of experience in the building industry and are capable of undertaking any works needed.  

Contact us today to discuss what we can do for you.


Q. Do we undertake commercial works?

A. Brick & Mortar Restoration South West have completed multiple commercial projects including the restoration of the Lotteries House, (fmr) Lyric Theatre and former Commonwealth Bank building in Bunbury as well as the Yoonderup House in Busselton.

However, we are not limited to commercial and can accommodate any requests.


Q. What payment methods do we accept?

A. Our preferred method of payment is dank deposit, though we do offer Visa, MasterCard & American Express credit card services via Stripe and Paypal.