Commercial Wall Repair

Repairing a damaged commercial brick retaining wall



We are often asked to repair damages to brick walls as a result of impacts by vehicles, usually causing more damage to the structure than initially appearing.

Recently we were asked to repair a brick wall in Bunbury for a commercial Client who had a wall in their loading bay damaged and needed it to be repaired.

The impact had caused significant cracking vertically up the corner of the brickwork and required the entire section to be demolished and re-built from ground up to an Engineer's specifications.

Vehicle impact tore away the corner of the wall

Our Bricklayers then finished their brickwork and toothed it back into a nearby wall that was not damaged to tie the new section into the existing.

The brickwork was then rendered with a sand finish before being sealed and later finished with a texture coating in the original colour of the wall.

We aim to please with our clients and were excited to hear our Client was happy with the result.

Before and after

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